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Victory Library for tech info

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 3:32 pm
by railroad bob
I searched for evo motor rod dimensions today. Found the following library...
I needed the rod length and the width at the large crank pin end.

The 2 pages I accessed originally were these 2...
This has Harley-Davidson Connecting Rod Ratio Chart

H-D Connecting Rod Dimensions

There are other technical papers and booklets about Amal, Linkert and Mikuni carbs (I didn't know there were so many Amals!), HD falatties, 45 Magnum, BSA and early automotive.

This link...
is a critique of the book written by Mike Arman, which I have a copy of.
Mr Diamond does not like this book, and has a comprehensive list of significant errors.
I can't speak to the accuracy of the list, but I recently re-read the book, and found it very lacking, almost juvenile.